escarp is edited by a collective of word lovers; we are linguists, poets, authors, editors, and teachers--we abstain, and we indulge.
Our editors:
escarp is a text-message-based review of super-brief literature. We publish original, user-submitted poems and stories (fiction and non-).When?
We like the work we publish to interrupt you—to remind you words exist. We follow no set schedule, but won't post more than one a day.Where?
escarp can be read here, through any twitter/RSS app, or via text message. When readers retweet or forward work they like, we're everywhere.Why?
We belive the frequent intrusion of literature into our lives works to erode the containers our culture tries to place it in.How?
We make literature relevant to normal people by reaching our readers through the social spaces they live, work and play in.Notes:
Matthew Purdy aka @m_purdy was published in escarp 5 times between May 28th, 2009, and January 10th, 2010. Matt joined the staff on February 27th, 2010.Susan Rukeyser aka @SusanRukeyser was published in escarp twice between May 17th, 2011 and February 22nd, 2014. Susan joined the staff on December 18th, 2014.
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