Submission Guidelines
To submit poetry or prose to escarp, you'll need to:- Join Twitter
- Fill out your profile (your name, one line bio, more info URL and picture will be used to fill out your author's bio)
- Follow escarp on Twitter
- Wait for us to follow you (sorry--we'll hurry.)
- Visit your Direct Messages page
- Message your submission (of 140 characters or less of poetry, fiction or non-fiction) to escarp. After final punctuation, include a space, the at symbol, and your username (eg:' @escarp'). Nothing else.
To do what we do, escarp requests exclusive electronic rights for 30 days, and non-exclusive archival rights.We also request:
- print anthology rights. If we find money to print, included authors receive notification, a chance to refuse, and one copy.
- permission to extend reprinting and archival rights on published works for promotional purposes, including: printed promotional/informational materials, press releases, prize nominations and inclusion in promotional aggregation services such as Verse Daily and Poetry Daily.
The writer retains all other rights. Submitting to escarp constitutes agreement with these terms.
escarp collects basic information about its visitors for traffic measuring purposes; we use no third-party tracking software and do not share this data. However, escarp exists in a social-media space, and anyone who submits or "subscribes" to escarp should also read Twitter's privacy policy and TOS. Our blog is powered by Tumblr; anyone who visits the blog should read privacy/TOS policies for Tumblr (privacy & TOS) and Disqus.Likewise, escarp publishes the publicly-available Twitter profile information of all writers whose work we include.